
Archive for the ‘nude michelle malkin’ Category

… you would have asked, “Which Democrat?”

Because surely no Republican, the party of moral values, would have appeared in not one, not two, but at least three soft porn movies, albeit fully clothed to introduce the, erm, “talent”.

I am of course talking about Donald Trump. Once Buzzfeed found the 2000 porn video, CNN found at least two more. Given that CNN’s porn collection is not, uh, comprehensive, there may have been even more.


Of course, there’s nothing illegal about Trump appearing in porn movies to introduce the talent. I don’t even find anything particularly squicky about it. Hey, sex is fun, folks! I just find it amusingly hilarious given that it’s the Republican candidate, not the Democratic candidate. And LOL’s were handed out all around!

– Badtux the Easily Amused Penguin

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One of the favorite games of the political extremes, most prevalent on the right but also often from the left, is to say that person X is “just like Hitler.” Really? So George W. Bush or Barack Obama are short German dictators? Err… not exactly.

The usual technique used is to find some human attribute shared by many people, most of whom are *not* Hitler, and then say that having that attribute makes the target “just like Hitler.” For example, Hitler loved Mickey Mouse, Britney Spears was a member of the Mickey Mouse Club, why, that makes Britney Spears *just like Hitler!*. Well, her, and about a billion other Mickey Mouse fans worldwide. Which is the problem with the whole “just like Hitler” thing. Hitler possessed a lot of traits. He was short — like George W. Bush, or like Jimmy Carter. He was apparently a vegetarian, like approximately a billion other people on the planet. In other words, focusing on a trait that Hitler shares with a billion other people and saying that this makes someone “just like Hitler” is meaningless. Hell, Hitler was a member of Homo Sapiens, both you and I are members of Homo Sapiens, by that standard *we* are “just like Hitler”!

So clearly you have to focus on attributes that are shared between Hitler and only a few other people if you want to play the “just like Hitler” game, which is where the right wing usually falls down — they usually take someone like Obama, take some trait he shares with a billion other people, and say that makes him “just like Hitler”. Obama wants national healthcare! Hitler had national healthcare! (As does every other Western nation). That makes Obama “just like Hitler”! Well, and makes every *other* Western leader for the past 80 years other than U.S. Presidents “just like Hitler” too, which fails the “only a few people” test”.

If, on the other hand, you point out that Hitler invaded Poland on a bogus premise of a Polish threat to Germany, and Bush II invaded Iraq on a bogus premise of an Iraqi threat to Germany… there aren’t all that many leaders over the past 100 years that have invaded other nations based on a lie. So in that respect, Bush II really *was* just like Hitler. But now you get to the point where the whole game of “Just Like Hitler” shows itself to be utterly useless: In most other ways, Bush II was *not* “Just Like Hitler”. For example, Bush II had/has no genocidal urgings, and does not appear to himself be a outright racist. Indeed, one of the few things I genuinely respected about Bush II was when he emphatically made the point, repeatedly, that Muslim-Americans were *Americans* and should not be discriminated against.

The reality, then, is that the game of “Just Like Hitler” simply isn’t useful. It is useful to point out when our opponents use tactics commonly associated with the Nazis, such as the Big Lie tactic, or have beliefs commonly associated with the Nazis, such as a belief that white people are superior to brown people or that gays and ethnic minorities should be exterminated. But that doesn’t make them “just like Hitler” — it just makes them evil sons of bitches, yo.

— Badtux the Brimstone-sniffin’ Penguin

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— Badtux the Easily Amused Penguin

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What’s interesting about listening to Air Traffic Control is just how little talk is going on. There are a few very busy periods where there are a half dozen planes in the air all wanting to come in at around the same time, but the controller says something like “Delta 9532 go to flight level 4000 heading 1 6 0” and Delta 9532 says “Delta 9532 flight level 4000 heading 1 6 0” and that’s that. 99% of the time, any of the four ATC channels serving the local airport are just dead air — only the fact that I have my radio cycling through them lickity split in scanner mode finds anything at all.

Contrast with the movies where the pilots just jabber jabber jabber jabber when they’re talking to the tower or the ATC or whatever. Reality. Just isn’t as dramatic as the movies :-}.

— Badtux the Geeky Penguin

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Oh dear God. I need eyewash after Googling “elephant penis size” and “donkey penis length”. Ick!

Oh, being raped by a donkey is probably preferable to being raped by an elephant. For one thing, being mounted by an elephant, even without penetration, would tend to make either a hairless monkey or a penguin rather… flat.

I leave it to you to apply this lesson to the question of who to vote for in November.

— Badtux the Political Animal Penguin

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Looking at my web hosting statistics and adding up “cat cats kitty kitties” then looking at “coulter”, nude ann coulter naked is getting almost as many Google hits as the pussies are. michelle malkin nude naked is way behind, nobody wants to see michelle malkin (yay!). Add the two together, though, and they’re only a dozen hits behind Mencken and the Mighty Fang…

Mencken asks, “What is wrong with people?” Then he put his head down and put his paw over his eyes and say “meh, go away” and went back to sleep.

– Badtux the not-nude Penguin

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Yes, folks, I just looked at my statistics for the month of March so far, and the words “cat” or “cats” in search terms are *TWICE* as popular as the word “coulter” in search terms, naked or not! Ann Coulter naked is getting five times more hits than Michelle Malkin naked (poor Michelle, nobody loves her!), but my cats are twice as popular as either of them.

Although, I must say I do have some questions. Okay, so The Mighty Fang is black, and big. But he’s a fluffball, seriously, the biggest danger he is to anybody is to rub them to death while purring, why does Google send people here for the search term “scary black cat”, if you want a scary cat this is a scary cat! And for the guy asking the question, “are cats immune to scorpion venom”, uhm, sorry I couldn’t answer your question, dude. The Minstrel Boy notes that scorpions are immune to scorpion venom, but that doesn’t answer your question. And come on. My cats are NOT funny looking! Why did so many people come here looking for “funny looking cats”?! Sheesh. No respect, no respect I say! My cats are handsome cats. Fine, upstanding dignified cats. Not funny looking! Though, okay, they can be a bit clingy

— Badtux the Cat-loving Penguin
Who thinks it’s great that cats are more popular than Coulter!

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Who is more popular?

Thus far, I’ve gotten 14 Google hits for Ann Coulter Nude, and only 2(two) Google hits for Michelle Malkin Nude. Does this mean that Man Coulter is 7 times more popular than Michelle Malkin? Or does it merely mean that people are curious to see what sexual organs Man Coulter possesses between his/her legs? Curious penguins want to know!

— Badtux the Curious Penguin

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Naked pictures of Ann Coulter are NOT located here. This is just a test to see whether I get lots of Google hits from perverts looking for nude pictures of Ann Coulter. Heck, let’s throw in Michelle Malkin too. Don’t get your nude pictures of Michelle Malkin here! Michelle Malkin nude pictures! Ann Coulter nude pictures! Everything not here!

What are you, some kinda *sicko* lookin’ fer that kinda stuff here?!

— Badtux the Hit-whoring Penguin

Ann Coulter Nude     Michelle Malkin Nude

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